
Pursuing Excellence

#Pursuing Excellence

Every individual aspires to achieve excellence in their endeavors.

Oftentimes, we crave exceptional outcomes without contemplating our own diligence.

Undeniably, there are those who devote considerable effort and wholeheartedly strive for excellence, anticipating the finest results as a consequence of their labor.

Some people, however, become entranced by visions of an idyllic future or a splendid outcome, focusing solely on the dream without genuinely deliberating on the means to achieve it. They assume that success will come effortlessly or naturally.

Nonetheless, the reality is that nothing in the world is genuinely obtained with ease, even if it may appear so.

Even when one has given their utmost, it is entirely normal not to attain the desired outcome.

This concept is deeply intertwined with #Karma.

One’s karma can manifest as failures, and thus, mitigating one’s karma can help alleviate obstacles and pave the way for smoother experiences.

Karma resembles a knot… but in any case,

I have observed numerous individuals who yearn for excellence and empathize with their aspirations.

However, in pursuit of the finest results, one must take into account the environment, timing, and all available resources.

It is not uncommon to witness instances where individuals become engulfed in their own thoughts, inadvertently overlooking the crucial timing.

Being absorbed in one’s own thoughts should not be mistaken for concentrating on oneself.

For instance, someone may wish to pursue a romantic relationship but believe they must first lose weight or wait for the flawless partner to appear, consequently missing valuable opportunities.

Similarly, someone may need to submit an application but become daunted by an extensive waiting line, focusing on perfecting their application while inadvertently missing the submission deadline.

In order to achieve excellence,

fortune plays a role,

as well as personal determination,

the foundation built upon past experiences,

and the blessings from ancestors or divine assistance.

Hence, it is wise for individuals to adopt the mindset of committing their best efforts and entrusting the results to the heavens.